Radio Frequency Allocation Transactions T.C. It is carried out by the Information Technologies and Communications Authority (BTK) Regional Directorates. However, organizations offering OKTH (Common Use Radio Service) that have frequency allocation from the said institution can provide services to Public Institutions and Organizations, Security Companies, Private Companies, Public Transport Companies, Bus companies and all companies in need of these infrastructures, quickly, economically and professionally offers.
Repeater Radio System is a system that will provide the user with a wide range of radio material, basically, which will be developed to make many new developments and efficient use of the frequency spectrum.
Under normal conditions, the communication distance of two conventional walkie-talkies in a flat area is 1-2 km in the city. repeater radio is needed to expand this area.
With the Trunk Radio System, the user is provided with the opportunity to make comfortable calls in the city with only Hand, Vehicle or Fixed Central Radios without purchasing a repeater radio.
Trunk Radio System; It is based on the principle that a certain number of channels are shared by many user groups in a common way. Since the channel allocation is made automatically by the system computer, it is out of the question for the users to select the channel. Since the channel requests made when the channels are full, they are queued in order of priority, so users do not need to request a meeting again.